
coach and mentor to the creative professional.

shift YOUR FOCUS, remove the noise and distractions so you can better understand & express what you're here to create next.

There's something else you're here to do more of. Now is the time to double down and develop your creative process to make space for what you've always wanted to do.
surrender to curiosity

Have you fully embraced who you are? Or is there a story you keep telling yourself that anyone could do what you do?

The truth is they can't.

And this story translates as not enough planning to account for the important work you really want to do, not prioritizing and evolving your value, maybe even crediting all the hard work, skills and abilities you've acquired over a tenured profession to external factors or luck! And this might be leaving you feeling like an imposter in your own skin.

It's time to develop your creative process and allow the unique presentation and delivery of your ideas, products or offerings you're ready to bring to the world to actually happen.

your dedicated observer & sounding board
When you're clear what's important to you and you make that the centerpeice of your life, you need to do whatever you can to support it. And when you have the ability to focus more energy on it, you need the right people in your corner to keep you going. There are times where it's beneficial to share and there are times where it's beneficial to listen.

what is a dedicated observer?

We all have a way of being in the world. How we tune in to notice and direct this energy is often missed. In this act of collaborating, the practice is to listen and capture those moments of flow, focus and inspired action that unfold naturally.

the power of a sounding board

You already know the answer you seek. Sometimes you're just tangled in your own thoughts or opinions of others. The sounding board is the nurturing and listening to ones own voice, as you share your work, this discipline will instill confidence and reduce our creative insecurity.

define your body of work

  • You are a builder of interesting ideas and here to create something that the world needs and be seen as the multi-faceted being you are.

set new priorities

  • Embrace what it means for you to be a human, being and doing business things, creative things, meaningful things, important things.

create a plan

  • Time and space to account for the important work you rarely do but want to.
  • Accountability to help you manage the interruptions and disrupt.

build & create

  • Align your personal and professional aspirations, cultivate your creative capacity.
  • Do more of what lights you up and stay in a creative flow for longer
Hover me!
"You keep pushing me and not letting me quit. I didn't realize how much I needed you in my corner and can't thank you enough for your honesty, your inspiration and your genius."
Jennifer Hadley
"David is eloquent and provoking, inspiring and deeply passionate, interwoven in all that is a rare compassion and understanding...which he is always working to further develop."
Nicole Hartley Bradford
"Working with David has been one the best professional experiences of my life. A TRUE approach and personal journey that Is unlike anything I have taken part in. Finding purpose in life and business is incredibly undervalued and I want to thank David for guiding me in to this deep dive. The future is much clearer and brighter today than it was yesterday."
Adrian Urlacher
"He is beside you, meeting you where you are and nudging you with forward momentum. He is also holding space for you to be as you need to be in the moment. He brings awareness to your vision and goals for the future even when you feel disconnected from them. He consistently reminds you of who you are in this world, to show up and that you matter."
Josephine Tite
Positive Pyschologist
"This process changed everything. The outcomes of this work became the visual evidence I needed to be reminded of what would keep me on track and expanding forward."
Heather Spurrell
Writer, Relationship Coach
"He met me with compassion, determination, productive impatience, formative inquiry, exceptional wisdom, deep respect, unfailing nimbleness, impressive resources and willingness to jump right in. When my belief wavered, he kept the sanctuary candle burning."
Richard Bucher
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