July 9, 2021

Who Do You Need To Be To Build Resilience For The Future

Maya and I talk about the last quarter. The projects we were working on and the lessons they presented. The gapple with trying to get it right, the power of just going with the flow and the benefit of implementing custom systems and structures that supports (not constraints) creativity.

I know it all sounds like a big contradiction. 


Each of you listening has the ability and the freedom to create a possible future. When we’re able to flex the muscles of adaptability, resilience and intuition at a moment’s notice, your ability to navigate the unpredictable seasons of the future improves. 

New opportunities present themselves.

It’s just whether we’re paying attention and willing to embrace and implement the systems of support to build, pivot or keep going. 

There’s work to be done to define, understand and articulate who you are, what you stand for.

  • You’re here to be of service and make a difference.
  • You’re here to bring value.
  • You’re here to push boundaries and create new possibilities.
  • To explore new positions, new areas of focus and new directions to take.

I believe all of us are visionary and that it's time for you to create what’s next, leading yourself and others into the emerging future. 

The question is...what are you waiting for?