
An Open Sourced Global Movement

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July 26, 2021

An Open Sourced Global Movement

The future. 
We all have one.

The big difference lives between those who spend the time to create one to work towards instead of being at the effect of other people's ideas of how the future should go. A vision gives us passion, drive and direction. Living in anticipation of a compelling future is a life worth living, as everything we do supports us in moving forward. They inform our priorities, they expand our horizons and harness our strengths.

In 2017 a motley crew came together with a notion to bring more intentional effort to the creative process of creating a possible vision for the future. This vision has been sitting beside me since it was created. That was also done by design. We human beings are easily distracted, but it's not because of the chaotic world of technology and notifications, we’re wired for it. The wandering mind is just the way we function. Whether it's that trip, that sweet ride or those eyes that you just can’t get out of your head.

So if being distracted is a mind game, then the processes we implement to stay focused is everything.

Everybody ends up somewhere in life. Those who have a clear vision end up somewhere on purpose.

We saw an Open Sourced Global Movement, helping build a world where everyone belongs, with an equal access to abundance. Committed to a foundation of respect, and honoring the diversity of ourselves and others we saw a department of empowerment, where differences and diversity became part of a new operating system and culture hub.

The Simple Truth

We dream of a new richness built on creative innovation and a world led by the vanguards of values; committed to communicate the truth and step into their role as they shift and disturb our automatic ways of being.

Integral Humanity

Nothing missing, whole and complete. Where our sense of belonging is served by human connection and our development as a collective, from a mutual responsibility to a whole wellness. 

Wellth Is The New Wealth

A collective ownership and personal ownership fuels our commitment to serve the new R.O.I. With leaders leading, by working with others towards uncovering the source of true personal fulfillment. Where trustworthiness is built from truth and through storytelling NOT selling.

Connected Cores

An abundance matrix that supports doing “business for good” from a technology treehouse, connected at the Core and Foundational to driving workability through a new world view. 

The Gap From Here to There

To chart the path, we must reveal what’s missing.

MEDIA & COMMUNICATIONS (Reputation & Influence)

Missing Link:
From the clever and complex cloak of covert control
To the simple growing under the light of human sense

Through our ideas, notions and aspirations we bring complexity and confusion. Over time we embrace how we’ve done it as how it always was, forgetting how simple things really can be.

Our true power lives inside of the freedom and choice to BE. Not what we’ve constructed over time, but what makes sense NOW. In this moment.

What got us here was never meant to get us there;. And so the opportunity of adventure and exploration awaits. Not to find more of what we already know and understand, but to uncover the new and the unfamiliar in what’s next.

You only think there is nothing new because you’ve seen all you need to see in the current paradigm of your being. Your body does not stop its need to quench its thirst and you cannot drink the same glass of water twice. Yet the arrogance of man, thinking we have arrived; is the same as thinking that we can live life without filling the cup again. To think there is nothing else is the absolute truth we trap ourselves in. There is always something new to experience if we are awake and listening.

And when that happens, say hello to those you’ve never seen before, for we are your partners in disruption; the vanguards of value and the stewards of human sense who see that not all is as it seems, and that the simple truth is that nothing we understand or believe to be absolutely true, actually is.

How exciting then, to seek clarity for clarity’s sake and not just live in the finality of what you see. A new richness to life and the future. Where curiosity fuels creativity revealing that which gives you meaning and purpose, and the freedom to live a life inside of a world worth living and contributing to. This is not the truth. But a possible future. And it is what you make of it. So free yourself of the tools of perceived control, they only exist if you believe them to be true.

LEADERSHIP & SOCIAL IMPACT (The Difference You’re Making)

Missing Link:
From containing, restraining and castrating creation
To a world of wellness in wholeness which is manifesting miracles

There are pieces missing. That idea, moment or experience that is always just out of reach or goes as quickly as it comes.

These moments hold you in perpetual suspension as you attempt to find it again, leaving you waiting in anticipation so you’re ready to catch it when it returns. Only to find yourself distracted by another moment and missing your opportunity again. But you re-connect to the commitment you committed to, so you might in fact be ready for it next time.

In the meantime you’re missing the moments happening right now. A sense of disconnection is emerging. But you push through and tough it out despite being so tired by what continues to live just out of reach.

Reach out.

You are not alone and you are not meant to explore this world alone. Free yourself from the trap and embrace what’s possible when you connect yourself back to the integral human roots of community.

At your source lives the truth of what’s so for you and for your future. Pay no attention to the narrative that is holding you back. Push through and loosen that grip that holds you so tightly and keeps you contained and restrained. 

Download the new Opportunity O/S.

SPACE & OPERATIONS (Culture and Places)

Missing Link:
From out of cocooned cubicles and departments of compartments
To a matrix of interconnected cores at the source of abundance

We seek purpose, we want to matter. And we want to know that our contribution is doing its part in moving the human race forward. Yet we are subjugated and told our opinions are not welcomed and do not matter, further perpetuating the inner narrative that we do not matter.

We do.

We need places that bring that conversation out of the dark corners of our minds and into the light of human sense. We need people who are brave enough to keep these conversations going even when the internal chatter is saying otherwise. Worldwide workability is a vision that lives in our views of what’s possible and technology is the catalyst. 

PERFORMANCES & SALES (Human’s Doing Business)

Missing Link:
From straight line, bottom line, mainlining of profit and patents
To weaving the fabric of collective wellth that feeds and fulfills.

Our organizations don’t just have stakeholders but are key stakeholders of our global future and we are pushing for you to step up and take action in new ways. 

We want to hear what you’re doing to meet the broader aspirations of society, not what you’re selling. To be stewards of humanity and life. To be a catalyst for change, not another product for profit. And we want to be part of that solution.

The story of our future lives inside of a new business model for collaborative creation where we  invest time, energy and attention into strengthening the foundations of being human as we perform, explore and innovate into an emerging and highly disruptive future.

Wellth is the new ROI.


I’ve had the opportunity to bring many through this process and have really appreciated being part of creating what’s next, not just for their businesses but in creating a deeper context for the broader reason for the existence of the enterprise; the crossroads between ideals and execution. 

Each of us get to look at what our version of that future looks like, and then to invest our attention into bringing awareness of that possible future; leading and nurturing our people along the way and shifting how business is done so that it fits within that new future.

We’ve achieved much and we have a lot of work to do. 

The question to ask yourself is what are YOU working towards? And if you’re unclear then reach out.

Still no luck? We are here to help!

Businesses often become known today through effective marketing. The marketing may be in the form of a regular news . 

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